Can You Really Fall In Love with a Building?

Date Published 10 February 2025

Every February love is in the air because Valentine's Day falls on the 14th of the month. That's why our thoughts have turned to something you might not often hear an estate agent talk about.

Can you really fall in love with a building?

Whether it's a house or flat, or something a bit more off the wall such as a converted barn or an old windmill, there's definitely something that makes a building feel like home.

So what's love got to do with it?

First impressions

We all know that first impressions are important because humans are hardwired to think that way. Maybe it harks back to our distant past when we had to work out if another person was a friend or foe, or an animal potentially dangerous to our health.

Whatever the reason, there are still plenty of ways that we still put this into practise on a daily basis.

As estate agents we see it every day when we accompany potential buyers on viewings. There's a certain look they can have - maybe disappointment in not finding 'the one', maybe something less poetic.

The upshot is that it's often apparent this one isn't going to lead to an offer. That's where the idea of 'kerb appeal' comes from and why it's important for sellers to make sure their property looks good when you approach it.

Some people will be polite and still go through with the viewing, others might be willing to have a look and override their initial reaction, whilst those who really trust their instincts often just cut their losses and high tail it out of there!

Instant appeal

That's one side of the coin. The other is that feeling you get when you visit somewhere you've already read about, checked out the pictures and probably 'driven by' a few times on Google streetview.

It's an indefinable 'something'. A house is just a building, but a home is a feeling. Sometimes it can be a bit of a surprise, maybe somewhere that's in a little need of care and attention that you just look through and see the potential. Other times it might just be a case of simply being introduced to your idea of perfection.

Property match makers

In a way we like to think of our job as being property matchmakers. We introduce people to somewhere that we hope they'll fall in love with and then go on to have a long and happy relationship!

Like any true love there will likely be bumps in the road - offers to be accepted, the time it takes for everything to fall into place - but the end result is hopefully one that creates new memories and ends up a real-life happy ever after.

So if you'd like a little help in finding a new home to fall in love with in and around Worthing get in touch with us today - call 01903 608 080, email or visit us at our office at Worthing House, 6 South Street just around the corner from the pier.